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Hakatere Presbyterian Parish
Christian World Service
Christian World Service national director Murray Overton outlined the work of the organisation when he visited us last month. He was welcomed by Rev Johanna.
Final Service in the Oxford Street hall.
We have had four years of worship services in the Oxford Street hall while our church building was being strengthened. We are now ready to move back into the church. These images are from our last service in the hall.
First Service in the Oxford Street Church
On April the 3rd after four years we were able to worship in the Oxford Street church. A few visitors came to help us enjoy being back in the building. We celebrated Harvest Festival creating a colourful display at the front of the church. Harvest gifts were passed on to Presbyterian Support.
Easter and ANZAC Service
Isabell Page decorated a cross with poppies. It made a stunning ANZAC focus on the communion table.
Mother's Day Service
Our parish celebrated and acknowledged mothers and spiritual mothers with a special service. Every woman received a flower with a message.
Operation Cover UP
Parishioners have been busy knitting for Operation Cover Up. Blankets were blessed before going to Eastern Europe.
Games Afternoon
A group of people enjoyed playing scrabble and other word games for an afternoon.
Father's Day breakfast held on 4th September. Enjoyed by all.
The Hospitality and Social Committee organised a games afternoon.
Spring Flower Service 11th September. Bunches of flowers were taken to people who can't get out.
White Sunday Service
White Sunday is a traditional Samoan service led by the children. Jacob Faalavaau with the support of his family shared his understandings of White Sunday.
Mid-Week Communion Service
November 17 the monthly midweek communion service were hosted by the Baring Square Methodist Church. Our Methodist friends were delighted for us to explore their refurbished building, which is lovely. We have been invited to return to Baring Square for our final communion of 2022 on December 15. You are all welcome.
Parish Dinner
The Social and Hospitality Committee organised a parish dinner catered for by a team from St Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Our guest speakers were Ann and Martin Stewart. They shared their experiences of doing The Camino Pilgrimage Walk across Spain. The food was delicious and the speakers were very entertaining.
Final Women's' Fellowship Celebration
After many years of fellowship and hard work supporting many community groups, the Women's Fellowship have had their final meeting and celebration.
Remembrance Service Thursday 8th December 2022
During a service to remember loved ones, parishioners were invited to fill a cross with flowers.
Final Service at the Hakatere Parish's Thomson Street Church (formerly St James Presbyterian Church) 11 December 2022
The Hakatere Parish has moved onto one site at Oxford Street in Ashburton. A final service was held at the Thomson Street church. Current and former Ministers and parishioners were invited to come to a celebration service. A power point of the history of the building and parish events was presented by Roger Scammell. Ministers and parishioners shared their experiences of St James (as the church was known prior to the establishment of Hakatere Parish). A special banner that held signatures of previous parishioners was signed by people attending the service. Many memorabilia were on display for people to reminisce about. The service concluded with a morning tea in the hall.
Click on the arrow (at the right edge of the 1st photo, near the middle). To see the full image click on it and then use the arrows to see more. Each image takes a couple of seconds to load.
Lagmhor Christmas Eve Service
Our annual Christmas Eve service supported by the Lagmhor community was a great success. The Lagmhor primary school children participated in a nativity play which was enjoyed by all.
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