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Hakatere Presbyterian Parish
Foot Clinic
Six weekly foot clinic at Thomson Street. 1pm on a Wednesday.
Meals on Wheels
Members of Hakatere Presbyterian Parish willingly give their time to help serve in the community, especially when it comes to delivering meals on wheels.
If you feel you would like to help in this way please contact either Pat Cannan 027 364 2804.
Driving for Day Care
Hakatere Parish also has a group of volunteers who are on a roster to drive folk to and from the Elizabeth Street Day Care Centre. This is another very worthwhile service. If you would like to help please contact John Tyrrell - Phone: (03) 302 3777
Community Drop In
Every Wednesday at 10:00am at the Thomson Street site, people from the community are invited to ‘drop in’ for a coffee and a chat. Everyone welcome.
Nativity Play
We are privileged to have the opportunity to minister to the junior classes for two primary schools (Hampstead and Tinwald) when members of Hakatere Presbyterian Parish present a Christmas Nativity play to the children. This is a biennial event when the children are invited to come along to Church. It is wonderful to see the response from not only the children present but also teachers and parent helpers when they listen to the Christmas Story. In return the children sing a bracket of songs to us which is also appreciated.
Mens Tea
The Men's Tea evenings are organised by the Social and Hospitality Committee. Men from various local congregations are invited to come along for a lovely meal and to hear guest speakers.
Rest Homes
Hakatere Parish shares in the caring and well-being of the elderly in the community by regularly visiting the various rest homes around town and leading services. This is done on a roster basis along with most other churches in Ashburton, arranged by the Ashburton Christian Ministers' Association. This is an important part of ministry for the elderly and the congregation are encouraged to support it.
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